Monday, August 16, 2010

Alison & Jeff Part 2

Alison & Jeff got married a couple weeks ago out of the beautiful Boston Harbor, on The Odyssey ship, surrounded by friends and family. We were honored to be a part of it and loved every minute of their beautiful day.  Here are some of the highlights...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Alison and Jeff part1

i love the arch
and how her mom carried her train 
Alison could see the guests arriving and boarding the ship
and pretty soon everyone joined her.
What a fantastic venue: The Odyssey, Boston, Ma

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Death of a Lens

It is a sad day.
The focus ring on my nikon macro has broken, rendering it unfocusable (i'm going to call that a word). This is not a minor loss. i have some thoughts.

This macro lens was my first REAL lens.  In other words, I spent some money on it, and it was mine alone, not meant for sharing really. I got it when I became inspired by photography and the little things in the world. If you focus on something small and at close range you give it a stage and opportunity to shine. It makes a big deal out of things that often go unnoticed, like a bug, a piece of dust, the veins on a flower's petal.  When I slow down and quiet down long enough to look around, I see the diverse and infinite beauty we're all surrounded by.  I try my best to capture it so other people can see what i see and feel what i feel when I'm with it.  That's my art and what makes me an artist.  This lens helped me get there . In a way, it taught me everything I know about photography.

As my first "real" lens, i used it to learn the basics.  I brought it to the beach, in the woods, up mountains, and even just around my house.  Its taken a beating, not intentionally of course, but that's how life goes.  It is a sturdy, well built, and remarkably tough machine. Since we became acquainted I've taken this lens on every vacation, on every wedding shoot, and every other professional or personal shoot of any importance and it has endured it all.  It's helped me make some beautiful images, some of which have been showcased in galleries, and even some that are hanging in the houses of strangers. When our daughter was born, the workload for the lens increased drastically, and with it, I captured all the precious wrinkles of her newborn feet, tiny tooth eruptions, and when the first little tufts of hair began the formation of a curl. I am so grateful to this lens for helping me once again slow down, to preserve these incredibly special moments as they fly by.

My husband and I discussed seeing if someone could fix it...  Instead though, we figured that we need to just let it go. Besides the fact that I think it's beyond repair,  it did not meet its end due to dainty plastic pieces and poor construction.  It has been a workhorse, and has earned its right to retire.

Of course it will be replaced. It has to. And soon. It will not be forgotten. And it will not thrown out. I thought I'd recycle it in some way...maybe turn it into a pencil holder or a vase... anyone else have any ideas?  let me know.

A few stats:

bought: 2005 in Iowa (weird, I know)
cameras used: Nikons: D50, D80, D200, D300, N70
weddings: about 50
galleries/shows: 7
art prints sold: 3
estimated pictures taken: 50,000 (??)
estimated lens caps: 7 =)
So this is from the last time I used it (yesterday).  I was fiddling around with long exposures when I saw one of those bright green cut worms (?) seemingly suspended in air.  It was climbing something link a strand from a spider web and doing so quite frantically, heading upwards.  I think the pictures came out pretty cool... although not the way i planned for my partner to go out...but isn't that how it always goes. =)

So its a bit of a sad day.  But its also a day full of appreciation and great memories.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Getting Ready

While fiddling around on the computer today I saw that the last time I blogged was 4 weeks ago.  Wha????  4 weeks?!?! Oops. I'll have to work on that.  
Life has gotten in the way and the "B" and "W" have both been busy!!  Someday I'll blog about this other thing we call "life" but for now, photography is what you get here at BW Gibson. 
Anyway, we've been happy to be busy, and busy being happy. What else could you ask for?  well, as i said, not the time to digress...
Part of our whats keeping us occupied was a fantastic wedding in Boston that I am eager to post about.  But as the rule goes (MY rule that is), the bride gets to see them first.  However, another rule I live by is that a little photo tease never hurt anyone.  And have I got some perfect tease pictures for you... =)
So once again, as we "get ready" to post the most recent bride and groom wedding photos on the web (soon), here are a few of the ladies as they "get ready".

And here's hoping that a four week blog drought doesn't ever happen again...  
See you soon!